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2021 Edition: Better Ways To Spoil Your Pooch

To our feline and other furry pet owners, we ask for your patience and understanding, for this blog was written

for our luxury lifestyle followers who adore canines as much as Beau Satchelle.   Admittedly, a cat or two have successfully weaved themselves into our care, not surprisingly, by deciding to self-adopt into our lives or friends convincing us to become cat sitters.  That being said, dogs of all types and sizes have constantly been a part of our lives since childhood.

The inspiration for this blog appeared after reading an article about the upcoming annual National Spoil Your

Dog Day on August 10th giving pup parents a day to indulgently celebrate loyal four-legged friends.  Now in case this one day just isn’t enough time, there are nearly a hundred U.S. observances tied to a particular

month or a day to fawn over pet dogs in some form or fashion. A few on the list include:

1.    Obviously celebrating your pooch’s birthday, or the anniversary of joining your family, or gift-giving holidays such as Christmas.

2. National Pet Day (April 11)

3. Adopt A Shelter Pet Day (April 30)

4. May is National Pet Month

5. National Purebred Dog Day (May 1)

6. Take Your Dog to Work Day (June 25)

7. Snoopy’s Birthday (August 10)

8. National Dog Day (August 26)

9. Adopt a Dog Month (October)

10.   Adopt a Senior Pet Month (November)

3 Tips from Vets and Trainers on Spoiling Their Own Dogs

 From the article’s list, we added luxury suggestions for your puppy to consider.

Tip One:  Create a Divine Personal Space  

Create a designated space to establish boundaries and safe zones to keep your dog calm. Consider placing a

luxurious dog bed, pillow, or sofa bed (leather perhaps) in each major area of the house where your pet is allowed.  

A dog can spend up to 80% a day sleeping so carefully consider what will make the dog most comfortable. 

When selecting a dog bed not just the age and weight come into play but your dog’s sleeping style, if they are a chewer, house training, etc.

A few of the top dog beds vets recommend from small to large dogs are:
  • Casper memory foam dog bed is given kudos for its durability and ease to clean·   
  • Big Barker bolster dog bed heavy duty for large dogs with joint issues
  • Orvis memory foam deep dish dog bed for large and giant breeds who need the room to stretch out and have the ability to rest their head on the headrest.  
  • K9 Ballistics durable chew-resistant cot style raised dog bed designed for airflow to keep dogs who prefer cooler sleeping.
  • The Purple Pet Bed claims honors as the best odor resistant dog bed made from anti-microbial moisture resistant odor neutralizing covers that you can toss in the washing machine

Tip Two:  Grooming, Dog Wellness, and Retreats

Trainers suggest regular home preventive brushing can help to slow tarter build-up, controlling shedding by at least wiping your dog down with a damp paper towel daily, and don’t forget your dog’s daily at-home massage. 

Nevertheless, treating Fido to professionals and dog destinations who are trained in indulging your canine in every way possible. Spas and boarding hotels offer the latest in:
– rejuvenating massages
– aromatherapy bubble baths
– PAWdicures
– hair dyes for graying dogs (or divas)
– facials
– hot wax treatments
– ultrasonic teeth cleaning
– mud baths
– personalized swimming lessons
– therapy and physical training for dogs
with physical ailments (ie arthritis)
– therapy for behavioral and stress.

Certainly, you have your favorite local destination to take your pooch for a lavish day, night, or longer of pure pampering and serenity.   How about splurging at one of the top-rated and referred dog boarding, beauty, and wellness spas in the U.S.?

·  D Pet Hotels (locations:  Arcadia AZ, Scottsdale AZ, Hollywood CA, Los Angeles CA, and Austin TX). Suites are outfitted with ala carte menus, 65 inch flat-screen TVs, memory foam mattress beds, and Ralph Lauren sheets.  Pets travel in style with arrangements to be picked up and taken to the hotel in an exotic car such as a Bentley on Rolls Royce.

·   Fit dog Sports Club, a sports and training retreat in Santa Monica CA

· Olde Towne Pet Resorts  located in the Washington DC region

· Bestfriends Pet Care located on the Walt Disney World property

·  The Barkley Pet Hotel and Day Spa, 4 properties in Westlake Village California, Cleveland OH and two locations in Mumbai, India

· Chateau Poochie DogResort and Spa Pompano Beach. Florida

·  Wag hotels 5 locations in Northern California and 4 locations in Southern California

· Paradise Ranch Pet Resort located on the outskirt of downtown Los Angeles, Cage-free dog boarding which includes a water park with waterfalls

· Posh Pet Hotel in West Palm Beach Florida

·  Pooch Hotels with 10 locations across the US (the states of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Texas)

· Las Vegas Dog Resort  In Las Vegas, Nevada

· Urban Hound   two locations in Boston Massachusetts

· Whiskers Resort and Pet Spa located in our hometown state in Grand Rapids Michigan

· Red dog pet resort and spa  locations in Massachusetts and Ohio International experiences for the well-traveled dog:

·[http://C:\Users\Ty\Desktop\o https:\\the-resort\]Canis Resort, Munich Germany

· Critterati in Gurugran India the first to open in South Asia claims to take extravagant pet care to the next level

· Urban Mutts Hotel in London’s West End

· The Country Dog Hotel and Spa in Somerset England

· Dogs In The City in Paris France

Tip 3:  Doggy’s Routine and Home Alone Entertainment

Maintain a doggy routine consistent within a dog’s schedule including physical activities feeding times and bedtime.  If your schedule won’t allow scheduled walking times consider hiring a professional dog walker.

One of our smartest dogs “Oreo”, unfortunately had to be home alone in our first apartment until someone came home for work. She spent her days ingeniously finding ways to open up cabinet doors to pull out things she could play with, especially the garbage can. Needless to say, we had to be more creative in keeping her entertained to prevent paying apartment repair fees due to her boredom. 

Blessed dog inventors and disruptors have come up with some innovative ways to entertain pups:

·        Satisfy their scavenger by creating treat hunts scattered around your house or purchase puzzle games for your pet to solve to gain access to the treat.  Some of these puzzles require supervision others can be left alone with your puppy or dog until they tire themselves out.

· Invest in a dog subscription box to introduce a variety of customized foods, toys, treats, and chews usually on a monthly basis

· Have a good perch or lookout window for your dog with a comfortable dog pillow

· If your dog is a television watcher, there are streaming services available including YouTube for dogs, DOGTV available on Comcast. Amazon prime carries doggy TV, Hulu also has shows dedicated to dogs.

· White noise machines can be calming for dogs or playing classical music (some researchers suggest dogs prefer reggae or soft rock) can have a similar effect to blocking outside sounds such a sirens or construction

· Consider Adopting a second companion can be the answer to decreasing boredom

· Routine visits to the doggy park or playdates with neighbor dogs


Beau Satchelle would love to design and hand sew for your pampered pooch an exquisite leather collar and/or matching leash to express your dog’s sophistication and uniqueness. Using premium leathers or exotics we can determine what type of look you have in mind and customize it to your dog’s size.  We have been honored to donate dog jewelry to a local non-profit and can create something unique for the dog in your life.  Email us at or visit our

Contact Us page to request a complimentary consultation.

Beau Satchelle’s blog recommendations have no financial affiliation. We just love what these vendors and businesses do by offering unique products and services that are exclusive and perfect for the discerning pet parent seeking something more unique than what is offered with typical pet brands.   -AJ

Share your pampered pet thoughts in the comment section below or on Twitter!

We appreciate the following resources for providing blog content

Good Housekeeping – 12 surprising Ways Vets Spoil Their Own Dogs


The Six Best Dog Puzzle Toys For Mental Stimulation – Dog Puzzle Toys

The Spruce Pets – 9 best Dog Subscription Boxes 

Thank you to the following photographers for capturing dogs living the good life

Daniela Jakob – off to see the world

Tobias A. Müller – divinely resting

Iknowcaleb – yum!

Jeyakumaran Mayooresan – Dog Park Friends

Mark Zamora – Resting on Leather

Ryan Walton – On the beach styling with leather collar

Pasja1000 – styling in leather collar and leash

Rebecca Scholz – Dalmation sporting leather

Michael Oxendine – Dog’s Couch

Joe Caione – Joyful

Christian Lambert – Bliss on Leather


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