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“Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don’t you know

Butterflies all havin’ fun, you know what I mean

Sleep in peace when day is done, that’s what I mean

And this old world is a new world

An a bold world

For me

For me…



It’s a new dawn

It’s a new day

It’s a new life

For me

And I’m feeling good…”                                                                                     

–          Nina Simone

Welcome 2022!   

Although your time with us will race by like a bullet train roaring through a beautiful European countryside we are securely strapped in, ready for a 12 month thrilling ride!    As stories and events reveal themselves throughout 2022, our team is excited for upcoming new adventures and opportunities to delight luxury leather connoisseurs.

2021 found us all still coping with the transitional effects of the pandemic.  Looking back at news stories from 12 months ago, we were flooded with warnings from Federal, State and local government officials on public gatherings and safety guidelines was the topic of discussion as the human race tried to navigate some semblance of pre-2020 normality.  

International borders were still shut tight from the never-ending surges.  Season airline travel was down over 50% and even driving to Grandma’s house was a complicated decision due to safety concerns of loved ones.  Those who hosted holiday dinners tackled questions of who should be invited or zoomed in, how gatherings were situated, and activities of testing and quarantining came into play for family members.   

Our conversations with family, friends and even strangers have in some ways changed forever, as we still seek answers to manage this ‘new normal’.    Some scientist and doctors expressed Coronovirus and all its strains will become a part of  our life’s landscape.  Just think, have we ever been so hyper-vigilant with regards to public hygiene habits?  How we warily make a wide berth with those who cough or sneeze in public spaces.  And even the exchange of greetings whether shaking hands or hugging is not quite as natural as in the past.  

Sadly, as 2020 literally came to a standstill as fear gripped every human on this planet, 2021 saw the growing culture of divisiveness appear as even louder and more hostile.   Yet, we are hopeful as we personally lived and saw an overwhelming evidence of love, charity, and inspiration.  The human race has proven its resiliency by the living the principle of being ‘my brother or sister’s keeper during these most challenging times.    

Beau Satchelle took a hiatus from the blog to focus on our Holiday Season production, followed by a much needed break to reflect, regroup and strategize to plan a year of delight and exclusiveness.  

We selected the word breakthrough to be our theme for the year as it represents turning points and inspiration.  It attracts positivity, and unstoppable momentum.

Since our arrival six years ago, we have been quietly doing our important work of building a special level of luxury for a small American atelier.  We are a studio interested in attracting lovers of leather who inspire us to create classics with a contemporary twist.  Our handcrafted, bespoke leather bags and accessories are for those who crave individuality and one of a kind pieces.

In the works for Beau Satchelle this year include:

  • An invitation to participate in juried art fairs and high end vendor special events in Michigan and Florida
  • Rollout of our new website with this blog continuing to seek out luxury and bespoke content within the leather space and other products and services that embrace exclusiveness
  • Newly planned collaborations with emerging and well established national artists
  • And of course, newly designed and handsewn leather products

Luxury is in so many ways, is a state of mind.  It is an attitude of arrival and confidence and assurance.  Our sustainability commitment is your product is a legacy heirloom.   Our items are so well made that future generations will enjoy.  We design from a classic view so an owner has the ability to use it for a number of wardrobe overhauls.  When you carry our bags you look good, feel good and attract curious adoration.  

Our blogs are dedicated to our doers, dreamers, and jet-setters to convey Beau Satchelles excitement to be a part of your life journeys by sharing our luxury leather products and the magical world of bespoke. We anticipate an exhilarating 2022!   -AJ

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