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Pampering Your Pet In 2019

My Dog’s not spoiled, I’m just well trained.

                -quote from Pinterest, author unknown

I miss having a dog in my life.   The last love of my life, Roc (born a tailless mutt mixed with husky and some unknown bloodline) was put to sleep a number of years ago and my current lifestyle prevents adopting another, so my consolation prize is to love all over my friends’ pets.

Want proof on how much we love our own Rover the dog or Tiger the Cat?  A quick Google search conjured up at least 5-10 holidays or celebrations of pets within every month of the year (my favorite is November – adopt a Senior Dog).  You Tube, Instagram, and several other platforms are responsible for four-legged social media sensations.    

Pet parents own over 300 million domestic cats and dogs worldwide and the U.S. ranks first in forking over 70 billion dollars a year to express  love and adoration to our four legged children.


The industry’s has had its share of disruptive businesses which have changed the way owners choose to care for their pets.   Unlike the days of yesteryear, when canned food was the hoity toity of food or a decked out dog crate, entrepreneurs have stepped their game up in creating businesses that cater specifically to the health and happiness of pets (and owners).  

What trends are emerging or growing in 2019? 

Pet owners are becoming more conscious of food offerings that are fresh, frozen and customized diets delivered to the door, as well as healthier treats; consumers have comfortably accepted the more pricier alternatives from both the industry giants and smaller boutique business offering direct to consumer services.

In terms of technology, tech companies are offering cameras that are attached to the your pet to watch their activities from their point of view, more advanced GPS trackers and 2 way cameras to monitor your dog’s motions at your home.   Cat owners have the option of purchasing innovative cat litter boxes with better design and maintenance features.  Companies have also got into the monthly subscription service by mailing a box of healthy treats and toys for your feline friend .   Lastly, DOGTV  is a subscription online service (or through several cable companies) offering fun and relaxing content for your pup to keep them entertained while home alone.

To keep your pets healthy, the medical field has taken leaps and bounds in offering animals the best in stem cell therapy, minimal invasive surgery techniques, natural medicine, medical cannibas and nutritional integration are now growing components of veterinary medicine.   Pet insurance companies are the norm in handling your pet’s medical services.   Not enough time, in your schedule, to walk the dog, just as Uber, Lyft  have changed the car sharing service,  Rover has created an app/website  which provides a national on-demand dog walking services.   Local and Regional grooming pet services have stepped up their game as well in offer mobile customize transportation to bring the salon to your home.

If money is no object, here are three luxury products and services that take pampering up a notch:

Not for sale yet, however, Ford Motor Company introduced at the end of 2018, a noise canceling kennel prototype that will save pooches from the anxiety and stress that is caused from New Years and July 4th fireworks displays and even thunder. 

Doggy Style Day Care, San Franciso, CA

How can you not be impressed by a Day Care that advertises “An Innovative Dog Experience”  located in San Francisco  They offer entry level packages from $250 a month  up to the “The Dog Wears Prada” which asks for a one-time $7500 initiation fee and  for $1500 a month offers a full line of concierge service amenities. 

Designer Pet Sofas

Philly native Interior Designer, Jimmy DeLaurentis,  a Ralph Lauren disciple, who designs  and builds high end furniture for A list celebrities has now put his mark on the pampered dog market with his beautifully designed dog sofas with customized options that range in price from $1,000 up to $1,800. -AJ

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Content Credit:

Unsplash:  jesse-orrico

Ford UK: Youtube Video

Forbes  –


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